Colima creates trust to promote innovation


The Colima City Council published in the Official Newspaper El Estado de Colima the regulations that give life to the Trust for Innovation and Government Quality of the Municipality of Colima, a financial instrument that will operate with public and private resources.

This trust aims to promote projects that improve the quality of life of Colima residents by updating municipal public processes and services.

According to the regulations, the trust will seek to raise quality standards in public management through the financing of innovative projects that optimize the citizen experience.

To achieve this, its assets will be made up of initial and monthly contributions from the City Council, equivalent to 3 percent of its Expenditure Budget with its own resources, as well as public and private donations.

The trust will be administered by a Technical Committee chaired by the mayor of Colima, and made up of municipal officials and representatives of the business and academic sectors.

This committee will have powers such as establishing operating rules, reviewing budgets, approving projects and supervising the correct use of resources.

The regulations also establish that the general director of the trust, appointed by the municipal president, will be responsible for supervising its administration and management.

The regulations, published on December 21, are already in force. Its duration will be determined by the Technical Committee, with the possibility of modification or dissolution, if it is considered to be in the public interest.