University of Colima, visionary in Asia-Pacific studies


In his column “Sextante” in the newspaper Excelsior, researcher and columnist Federico Reyes Heroles highlighted the success of the University of Colima in promoting, 35 years ago, studies on the Asia-Pacific region, an area that today concentrates 60% of the world’s population.

Reflecting on the importance of Asia as the most dynamic region in the world, Reyes Heroles pointed out that “the visionaries – such as Julio A. Millán and the University of Colima – who warned decades ago about the need for Mexico to read the commercial potential with that region, were right.”

Our Colima institution began this work in 1989 through the University Center for Studies and Research on the Pacific Basin (Cueicp), which later, in 1998, was also integrated with the APEC Studies Center. Its work has focused on strategic areas such as international economic relations, comparative development between Mexico and Asian countries, transpacific competitiveness and international cooperation.

The Cueicp has contributed significantly to the training of specialists in the Asia-Pacific region through its PhD in Transpacific Relations, in addition to developing research on contemporary issues such as energy policy in post-Fukushima Japan and the knowledge economy and industry 5.0 in the 2030 Agenda.

Julio A. Millán, an economist and businessman who pioneered trade between Mexico and Asia since the 1970s, is a key figure who laid the foundations for strengthening relations with that region. Millán, with an outstanding career in economic consulting, also anticipated the relevance of Asia-Pacific in the global arena.

Reyes Heroles, a renowned Mexican writer and political commentator with more than 20 published books, presented his most recent book Misterios del Escritorio, published by PuertAbierta, at the Casa de la Cultura in Villa de Álvarez.

Source: elcomentario